Several years ago good friends gave Billie and I their cottage to stay in and rest. When I say cottage that is not doing justice to La Casita. Al and Marta have been friends for several years and whenever our family could get south of Tampa to Venice, FL we had a place to hide out and rest.
The trip several years ago taught me a good lesson. Remember that a lesson once learned for me does not mean that I will not have to learn that lesson again.
Billie and I arrived at La Casita absolutely exhausted. On Sunday we went to church followed by dinner with friends and then back to the hideout we went and crashed. after an afternoon nap and walk we had a light dinner and sitting in the chair reading I felt myself getting ready to doze off. I distinctly remember thinking that if I fall asleep now I will not be able to sleep tonight. not to be swayed by common sense I was out for over an hour. Yet that night I slept like a rock. when I woke up on Monday I thought now that I am rested I can have a normal day. Not so.... I napped in the mid morning, the afternoon and again after dinner and slept that night again like a rock.
Tuesday was a new day and now revived I was ready for what the world had to offer. I was a new man and rested. Yet Tuesday was repeat of Monday and by the way so was Wednesday.
When Thursday came around I was more than rested I felt restored.
In my reading and quiet time it was as if the Lord spoke and said "When you are tired, you need rest. But when you are weary, your need restoration."
That was significant for me. There is a major difference between tired and weary and thus the need for rest and restoration. Whe I am tired a good nights rest usually takes care of it. But, when I am weary, a couple of nights sleep and I still get tired and run-down by the afternoon.
Why do I share this with you now.... Billie and I have again left town. Not really for vacation but for restoration. This business of living and trying to live to the fullest takes a toll....physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. We both found ourselves more than tired but again weary. So we are hiding out and sleeping late, reading and probably eating too much. We are with some great friends who allow us to rest.
Then I am brought back to very familier Scripture that I need to read regularly.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.He makes me lie down in green pastures,He leads me besides still waters,He restores my soul.And that is it....He restores my soul.
This has become a major issue for me. I must realize the difference between tired and weary and thus the need for rest or restoration.
Have blessed day.