Monday, September 1, 2008

Speaking for Christians or as a Christian

It did not take the National Organization of Women (NOW) very long to issue a press release after Gov Sarah Palin was introduced as Sen John McCain's choice to be his VP running mate .

Before some of you start doing cartwheels and backflips that this is going to be a political statement, give it a rest and read on or go back to playing solitare on the computer.

Here is what caught me. According to NOW, "The fact that Palin is a mother of five who has a 4-month-old baby, a women who is juggling work and family responsibilities, will speak to many women. But will Palin speak FOR women? Based on her record and her stated postions, the answer is clearly No."

The press release went on to say....."Sen Joe Biden is the VP candidate who appeals to women,...."

So let me see if I have this right. Sarah Palin may speak AS A WOMAN BUT NOT FOR WOMEN. Joe Biden cannot SPEAK AS A WOMAN (I hope not but it has already been a pretty strange political year) BUT (according to NOW) HE DOES SPEAK FOR WOMEN.

Perhaps that is strange to some of us, but here is the real question.


Well, in case you are wondering, it is not me. Prior to writing this I checked my emails, phone messages and text messages; and there was not a single message from any major news organization asking me to speak for Christians.

So, since I am not the self-appointed or self-annointed spokesman for Christians, I am limited to SPEAKING AS A CHRISTIAN.

I really think that is what God has called every Christian to do including me--speak as a Christian-- but, not in the same manner some of us have thought we were called to speak.

I am thinking that the world needs to hear us speak with our hearts and actions.

It is going to be a pretty remarkable day when the news reports, "Well the Christians are certainly speaking with a very loud and clear voice." When asked what are they saying, the response comes back...."Saying? Are you kidding? Look at how these people live their lives."

I do not know who speaks for women in this campaign season.

For me, it is not important who speaks for Christians. Someone always seems to step up to the spotlight for that one.

The real question for me is not who is speaking for the Christians. My question is, "Do I speak, as a Christian in such a way that honors God?"

Final Thought: I really have a long way to go speaking as a Christian before I think anyone would trust me to speak for Christians.


1 comment:

Bob Grizzle said...

All I can say is Amen! Speaking not for, but strictly as a man and as as a christian of course.