Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Suppressing the Truth

We now live in a society where truth is being suppressed if people find it objectionable. This suppression of truth is not limited to what some would call political issues. It now applies to any area of life that someone finds the truth objectionable.

Three things in the past few weeks grabbed my attention.

· The first was the tragic earthquake in L’Aquila, Italy. Located about 65 miles from where we lived during our last assignment in the US Army, it is or was an incredibly beautiful old Italian town. Well worth the stop for anyone visiting Italy. The sad part of the story was that the earthquake was clearly predicted. According to one article, “Weeks before the disaster, an Italian scientist had predicted a major quake around L'Aquila, based on concentrations of radon gas around seismically active areas. Seismologist Gioacchino Giuliani was reported to police for "spreading alarm" and was forced to remove his findings from the Internet. Civil Protection reassured locals at the end of March that tremors being felt were "absolutely normal" for a seismic area.”[1] And now hundreds are dead.

· The second story was from the Wall Street Journal, which is known for accurate reporting. It stated that members of Congress had suppressed findings from a study that reported the success of the ‘Voucher System” for the majority of students involved. Unfortunately for the American educational system, far too members of Congress have lost any objectivity when it comes to education. In most cases they are listening only to the NEA which could lose a great deal of control of the educational process if a voucher system was adopted. The problem is not whether you agree or disagree with the voucher system. The problem is again, truth is suppressed when people find it opposite of their political views or in many cases with politicians who are told what they must believe. The future of more than Hundreds are dying everyday in our schools

· Now we come to the last issue…. Easter or more accurately “Resurrection Day” of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We live in a culture where many who would call themselves “Christians” have chosen to suppress The Truth of our Christian Faith. Jesus Lives!!! The Tomb is empty and we have real “Hope” instead of some hype. I do not fault the non-Christians for this tragic state. It has nothing to do with those who deny Christ. My sadness is for those who celebrate Christmas and Easter as Christians and then lie about Jesus the rest of the year. and we cannot even begin to calculate the numbers being lost to the lies while the truth is being suppressed by Christians saying that Jesus is not the only way to the Father. Many call Christians who believe this to be intolerant.

The answer is pretty simple. Those of us who believe that Jesus is the only way and the only truth, must lives our lives in such a manner that truth lives louder that the efforts to suppress it.

Perhaps, God wants our lives to speak louder than our words.

[1] The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"TRUTH...truth is relevant. That's what everyone says. So, it must be true, right?" Well, if the truth is that truth is relevant then wouldn't that make the above statement relevant and in fact NOT true? Hmmmmmm. Chuck, brother keep on telling it like it is. I'm glad Andy had you linked to his blog now I can tune in and feed on the TRUTH I know you will write. Oh, nice ride. We'll have to ride together sometime I've always wanted to ride in the rockies the flat land around Hutch gets boring.
Cliff Riggs