Monday, August 13, 2012

Acquaintance Maintenance or Friendship Development

If you want to have old friends, you really need to develop them when you are young and continue to work at it when you are old.

Gary and I have been friends, brothers and fans of each other since 1966. You can do the math.

Frank, Neil and Mickey
have been pouring into
my life for well over
20 years.

John and I started as "Ranger Buddies" in 1972.

Truman and I have been at it since 1996.

Dan began pouring into me in 1994. He is my "Spiritual Chiropractor."

Ray has simply done life with me, seen the worst in me and together we have traveled across the USA and to Europe and Mexico.

Add to the list Chuck, Bob, David, Mike, Troy, Tim, Brian, Brad, Kip, Spice, DVD, Ross, Jim, Terry, Joel, Leary, Roy, Andy, Brett, Pat, Dan, Pete, Dale, Ken, Toby, Bill, Kurt, Tom, Tommy, Andy, Karl, Joseph, Mike, John, Brandon and many others. Yes, I know the risk of not mentioning some friends by name. But because they are friends, this post will not define or damage our relationship.

Before I get cremated by some incredible ladies who are also amazing friends, I have many friends who are ladies - but they are also friends with my wife.

My age range of true
friendships goes from
men in their teens to
men who are nearly 90.

OK - I think I have made my point.

I know many will doubt the next statement - but, I have had contact with each of the guys mentioned above in the last 90 days.

Friendships take work. Do not be deceived - real friendships take a lot of real hard work.

There is a major difference between developing deep friendships and maintaining a list of acquaintances.

The current problem is few men are teaching younger men the value of friendships that span decades.

Last year I was amazed by the truth in a commercial for the Toyota Venza®. See it for yourself at 2011 Toyota Venza Commercial - Social Network

Tragically, there is a great amount of truth in the video.

Here are some brief thoughts on friendships.

1.FaceBook or any social media is good for information but does not develop deep friendships.

2.Friendships are two-way streets. Both have to work at developing and staying in touch. We have all had friends we never heard from unless we made contact.

3.On the worst day, a friend can make the difference.

4.If you want to have "old" friends who will be there when you need a friend, you must begin investing early.

5.To have friends - You must be a friend.

6.Sincere friendships are developed by asking good questions and listening.

7.The best time to start developing the type of friendship you want to have when you grow older was 25 years ago. The second best time is TODAY.

Finally, if we want to truly teach a young man the value of a friendship, the best method is to start by being his friend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for listing me among your friends, Chuck. It's an honor.