Friday, July 3, 2009

Our Children - God’s Legacy

So the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.

Psalm 78:6 (NIV)

We learn very soon in life that we quickly lose control of our children. We cannot control where they live or work. We cannot control where they take our grandchildren. I thought I would be smart. I told my children that I did not care where they lived, but all my grandchildren would live in Denver. That did not work!

Too often we think of leaving our legacy in terms of material wealth. Like so many other areas in our lives, we are probably looking at life differently than God.

In many ways we view our children in the same way we view our relationship with God. We have a tendency to look at what we do instead of who we are. As a result, we look at our success or failure with our children by looking at what they do instead of who they are.

When we read Psalms 78:5-7, God gives us a clear understanding of two things that are critical for establishing His legacy.

He tells us to start teaching our children so that they will teach their children. One of my favorite lines in scripture is in verse 6, “even for children yet to be born.” How many of us are really focusing on what will be taught to those who are not yet born?

A few days ago I read a quote that basically said that we are to hug our children… not just to hug them…but to teach them to hug their children.

The second issue that is critical is what to teach. Too often we focus on their actions or attitudes which make us look good as a parent. Verse 7 gives it to us with simple clarity that is great for us guys. We are to teach our children to teach their children to trust, remember and obey the Living God.

As dads, this is going to require a shift in our thinking and should result in a shift in our actions. We must begin to shape who our children are and encourage their personal relationship with Christ. The focus must not be on simply what they do.

Out of who they are will flow what they do. We have a tendency to try and shape who they are by focusing on changing the things they do. That is why so many of our children act so differently when they leave home. They adjusted their behavior to meet requirements while living in our homes. This is because we told them how to act to get along with us and did not necessarily help them become the person who would bring honor to God.

What will God’s legacy look like as a result of Him trusting you to be the earthly father for His children?

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