Thursday, August 13, 2009

Praying for "Unsaved" Husbands and their wives

I am sure this has not happened to anyone else. It was a morning when I wondered why something so simple was taking so long. I was just buying a book and then heading to something really important. And then it happened!

I had finished my transaction and, frankly, was not totally satisfied with the transaction that had just taken place. I slid to the side of the counter allowing the next person to conduct their business.

As she stepped forward, it was clear that this was a lady who had not had an easy life. She did not appear to be homeless, destitute or looking for a “handout.” She just looked as if life had been tougher for her than many others.

She began speaking to the female cashier by saying, “I am not sure you will remember me, but you helped me a few months ago. You suggested that I buy The Love Dare and I did.” She went on to tell the lady that she was almost finished with the entire book, but she had come to the part where you are to pray with your spouse. Then she told the cashier, “I asked my husband to pray, and he got very angry and mad at me.” She told her that her husband was not a believer and did not want her to talk with him about praying.

Then she told her why she had come into the store. She said that she had no one else to ask and so she asked the cashier if she would pray for her and her marriage. I listened as the cashier asked the lady her name and her husband’s name and then she promised to remember them both in prayer.

I could not stand back at this point. This was not a prayer that should wait or one that the lady should have to wonder if they were really lifted up in prayer. I stepped back to the counter and asked the cashier and the lady to join hands with me and I prayed.

It was not just a prayer for her or her marriage, but I sensed that she had probably never had a blessing prayed over her. So pray I did. Yes, I prayed for her, her husband and her marriage. I also prayed a blessing over her as a daughter of the “King.”

Before you get crazy and think how lucky she was that I was there…..I was the one who God allowed and gave the privilege of being a part of His work.

In our weekly prayer list, we are asking our team and anyone who reads this to pray for the ladies married to non-believers. Pray for the ladies, their husbands and their marriages. In doing so, I believe that God is allowing us to be a part of His great work.


Unknown said...

Almost 10 years ago, I was one of those un-churched, un-saved husbands. I wanted no part of it, but my wife never gave up. I gave my life to the Lord, am now a youth leader and working on becoming a deacon at my church. God is great. I haven't read the love dare yet, but I've seen the movie five time. Oh by the way, my wife and I just celebrated are 25th wedding anniversary on the 4th of August. Did I mention that God is great? You better believe I will pray!!

Anonymous said...

I remember you CONSISTENTLY praying over our servers (as they joined us)at the meals we shared during the USMC Conference on Character, Ethics and Moral values that we attended in Quantico in 1997. I thank God that SOME things (like your heart) never change...
Warren Wright

Heidi O'Leska said...

Chuck - I love this! You gave me the kick I need to be more open to the Lord's urgings and to be more daring in my witnesssing. I forwarded it to many of my friends, who know the Lord, but at times, just like me, may not always take advantage of every witnessing opportunity. I've never seen anyone praying in my local Christian store! AWESOME!!

Saundra Jackson said...


As a norm, when someone tells me that they need prayer, I too stop and pray right then and there. One reason is we all have good intentions, but life gets in the way, and when we wait we tend to forget or not give it our all, Another reason is the person often needs the prayer for themselves as well and need to hear the words.

My husband was once un-churched, he was a believer of Jesus but did not practice what Jesus taught. I told on God's word, his word is true and today he is a tither, church attender, bible study attender and practices Jesus teachings.

Jesus mandates that we owe no man, but to love him and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.

That is the true sign of a Christial