Wednesday, August 26, 2009

When Warriors are Called

He sent messengers throughout Manasseh, and they also were called together to follow him; and he sent messengers to Asher, Zebulon, and Naphtali, and they came up to meet them. Judges 6:35 (NAS)

This past Sunday morning my good friend Ray Morgan went to the Emergency Room of his local hospital. He had been pretty sick for several days and could not seem to get rid of a fever. After several hours in the ER, he was admitted and as of this morning was still hospitalized.

This is not a commentary on his medical condition or the medical treatment he has (or has not) received. It is really about the importance of friends and warriors who are willing to battle for and with us in this life.

After I talked to Ray on Sunday, I began to notify friends and warriors using the various means I have available. These means included Facebook, Twitter and then just sending out text messages, as well as utilizing our ministry prayer network.

In a very short time, the battle was being fought by warriors across the country and around the world. Literally within minutes, responses came back to me from men and women everywhere to let Ray know that they were praying.

Then I began to see a picture. I am a big fan of Gideon. There are a lot of reasons. When Gideon caught the vision of what God had called him to do, he sent out a call for warriors. We know that the Bible records that 32,000 responded to the call. The bible states that, “He sent messengers throughout Manasseh, and they also were called together to follow him; and he sent messengers to Asher, Zebulon, and Naphtali, and they came up to meet them.”

He Sent messengers. He clearly did not have the tools available that we have today to stay connected. Yet, 32,000 responded to his messengers.

By Monday, I had this picture in my heart of the 32,000 warriors gathered spiritually to fight for and with Ray. Some came because I asked them to be there. Many more came because they know Ray and he has impacted their lives. Others came because friends asked them to come. All in all, warriors around the world have responded.

We all need warriors around us. We must do the things necessary in our lives to develop relationships that can be counted on to respond when the messengers are sent out.

I just spoke with Ray and he seems to be getting much better. He is still hospitalized and not sure when he will be released. He also knows that he has warriors fighting as his side for him and with him.

As for me, I am so blessed to know that there are far more warriors out there than the enemy wants to acknowledge. Frankly, this is so cool!

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