Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Let us go to the other side

In Mark 4:35, Jesus said to the Disciples, "Let us go over to the other side." So with absolute confidence the Disciples felt very comfortable to go with Jesus. Really...what could happen? They were following Jesus.

The seven verses from Mark 4:35 to 41 tell us so much.

1. Even following Jesus we may encounter some of the worst storms imaginable. In the boat were fishermen and some tough guys. Many of them had been in bad storms before. Yet, this one was so bad they feared for their lives... even with Jesus on board. Following Jesus does not exempt any of us from fierce storms in life.

2. Others started out with them. Mark 4:36b "There were other boats with him." When the water is calm and it is a nice day others will certainly join in. There is no mention of any other boats at the time of the storm. Do you think the others would only go so far and turn back? Maybe they saw the indications of a storm and turned back. Others may start with us but many will turn back and we must learn to rely on Jesus not others.

3. Doubt came upon the Disciples with Jesus in there presence. Some may tell us that if we have doubt, we are too far from Jesus. I do not believe it for a moment. the Disciples had incredible doubt and Jesus was so close they could touch Him. Doubt may come when we are walking close to Jesus and storms come. To doubt our faith is not a sign that we are not close to Jesus. God is using that moment to strengthen our faith. While it is not a sin to doubt...Don't live there, just visit.

4. They thought they knew Jesus and He showed them more of Him. Verse 41.. "They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!" Just when we think we know Jesus he will surprise us and show us more of Him than we expected. Day by day and moment by moment, Jesus continues to show me more of Him than I could ever imagine.

So for me, each day is like getting in the boat again with Jesus with the promise of going to the other side. Some days (and nights) are marked by storms and others are calm. Often I cannot anticipate. I am learning to trust.

Have a great day going to the other side with Jesus today!!


mentorman said...

...excellent post

...want to send you an email with some thoughts that will further encourage you in this important thinking the sun comes up today, thanking God for you, Chuck!

mentorman said...

...excellent post

...sending you an email with some other thoughts from Gordon MacDonald that will add to what you've written so well

...thanking God for you, Chuck, as the sun comes over the edge of the horizon on this Wednesday!