Friday, August 15, 2008

Covering Sin

I was struck by one of the headlines in the NYTimes today.

Lawyers’ Ties Hint at Extent of Hiding Edwards’s Affair By SERGE F. KOVALESKI and MIKE MCINTIRE John Edwards’s affair may have gone on longer than he admitted and the effort to conceal it may have been much more extensive than has been reported.

Now this is in no way intended to be political in nature so anyone ready to jump to the wrong conclusion... get over it.

Here is the issue and this is the same whether the symbol for you political views is an elephant, donkey or perhaps what would be best for all the political parties....a hot air balloon.... it is this thing called sin.

The first thing about the Edwards affair, confession, moral failure is that our nation has again been forced to witness another man in authority and who has sought to lead us in our nation's highest office has fallen to sin. He has shown so many that it is hard to believe anyone these days.

But here is the other issue. We are just beginning to see how much longer this sin went on and how much went into a cover-up to hide sin.

Now I am reminded of a statement that is not mine or new to me:

Sin takes you farther than you want to go, makes you stay longer than you intended to stay and costs you more than you want to pay.

My heart breaks for Mrs. Edwards. Once again a women has been dragged into the muck and the mire because of the failure and lies of the man she trusted and loves.

Perhaps it is for this reason that I feel one of the best things I can do for my daughters, daughters-in-laws, granddaughters and spiritual about all women is to help raise and build strong Godly men who they can trust.

Godly men do not nor are they intended by God to overshadow or dominate our women. Godly men lead lives that allow our ladies to be the women God created them to be.

God designed men and women to be complete one another and not compete with each other.

Unfortunately, a man's sin does not impact only him. It impacts all of us.

Covering sin only gives satan greater power in our lives and hurts everyone around us.

Sin takes you farther than you want to go, makes you stay longer than you intended to stay and costs you more than you want to pay.

Additionally, I wonder if at the time that all of this was taking place, if John Edwards would have honestly called this affair SIN. Did he think that God would understand or that God just wanted little Johnnie to be happy regardless of what it took or what he wanted.

We need to just simply call sin for for what it is..... Sin..... and Sin is against God.

Now here is the deal for me. I wish that this could be a one time, get it over and move on lesson. I think we live in a world where I need to remember this every every moment.

I realize how incredibly weak I am. I am one stupid thought or decision away from finding myself in John Edwards position. My only hope and strength is in Jesus Christ and to surround myself with other Godly men.

Regardless of your political feelings....How about we all take a moment and pray for John Edwards, his wife and family.

Then maybe we should pray for ourselves.

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